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no togel luwak - Bio Farma Segera Luncurkan Pendeteksi Diabetes Mellitus Type I

2024-10-08 20:13:02

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[caption id="attachment_17170" align="alignleft" width="300"]Pendeteksi DiabetesBerfoto bersama sesaat setelah soft launching (dari kiri ke kanan) Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, DVM., DES (Ketua Peneliti Biosains UB), Sugeng Raharso, DVM., MM. (Direktur Perencanaan & Pengembangan PT. Bio Farma), Prof. Djoko Soeatmaji, dr. (Anggota Peneliti Biosains UB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito (Rektor Universitas Brawijaya), Drs. Adriansjah Azhari, Apt., MM. (Koordinator Portfoilio Management Team PT. Bio Farma), dr. Nizar Yamani, Sp.S(K) (Dewan Komisaris PT. Bio Farma), dan Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D (Direktur Utama Biosains UB)[/caption]

PT Bio Farma (Persero) dan Laboratorium BioSains Universitas Brawijaya menyatakan siap untuk memproduksi Kit Diagnostik Dini Diabetes Melitus Type 1. Pernyataan ini disampaikan Prof Aluannia’am selaku ketua proyek kerjasama Bio Farma – Unibraw, pada saat acara soft launching pada hari Rabu, 26 Februari 2014 di Universitas Brawijaya Malang.  Kit Diagnostik Dini Diabetes Melitus type I merupakan suatu alat yang dapat memprediksi potensi / kemungkinan seseorang akan terkena penyakit diabetes type I, sehingga bisa dilakukan serangkaian pencegahannya agar tidak terlanjur terkena penyakit ini. Penelitian yang sudah berjalan sejak Agustus 2012 yang lalu, untuk sementara ini masih dijual secara terbatas untuk kalangan labaratorium biosain dan untuk keperluan uji klinis lanjutan. Namun Prof Aluanni’am optimis bahwa produk hasil kerjasama ini akan segera di luncurkan kepasar dalam waktu dekat, “Saat ini, produk diganostik tersebut masih memerlukan uji lanjutan terutama dalam hal optimasi stabilitas dalam penyimpanan serta pengujian lapangan, namun kami yakin produk ini akan segera di lepas ke pasar” ungkap Aluanni’am. Sementara itu pihak Bio Farma menyatakan siap untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan Diagnostik iini, karena untuk produk farmasi, diperlukan manufaktur yang sudah memenuhi standar Good Laboratory Practice – Good Manufacturing Practics (GLP – GMP). “Secara teknologi kami siap untuk membuat produk ini, dan kami juga siap untuk memasarkan produk Kit Diagnostik DM Type 1” ujar Sugeng Raharso Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Bio Farma. Sugeng menambahkan, Agar produk ini dapat diluncurkan dalam waktu dekat, akan diadakan kordinasi antara Bio Farma, Universitas Brawijaya, dan Direktorat Jendral Bina Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan) terkait dengan regristrasi produk diagnostic sebagai alat kesehatan.  (Corcom/BF/edgar)

[caption id="attachment_17170" align="alignleft" width="300"]Pendeteksi DiabetesPictures taken after the soft launching (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, DVM., DES (Head of Bioscience Researcher of Brawijaya University), Sugeng Raharso, DVM., MM. (Director of Planning & Development of PT. Bio Farma), Prof. Djoko Soeatmaji, dr. (Member of Bioscience Researcher of Brawijaya University), Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito (Rector of Brawijaya University), Drs. Adriansjah Azhari, Apt., MM. (Coordinator of Portfolio Management Team of PT. Bio Farma), dr. Nizar Yamani, Sp.S(K) (Board of Commissioner of PT Bio Farma), and Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D (President Director of Bioscience of Brawijaya University)[/caption]

PT Bio Farma (Persero) and Bioscience Laboratory of Brawijaya University are ready to produce Early Diagnostic Kit for Diabetes Mellitus Type 1. This statement was expressed by Prof Alunnia’am as project leader of Bio Farma – Brawijaya University partnership, during the soft launching event on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 at Brawijaya University Malang. The kit was used to forecast the potential/possibility of diabetes type I, in order to prevent this disease. The research that has been running since August 2012 is only sold limitedly for bioscience laboratory and for the purpose of further clinical trial.  However, Prof Aluanni’am is optimistic that this product will be launched to the public market soon, “Currently, such diagnostic product still requires further trial especially in terms of optimization stability in storage and field testing, but we believe this product will be launched soon to the market”, said Aluanni’am. On the other hand, Bio Farma confirmed their readiness to produce and promote the diagnostic kit, since Bio Farma has fulfilled the Good Laboratory Practice – Good Manufacturing Practice (GLP-GMP) standard which is required to produce pharmaceutical products. “Technologically, we are ready to produce and promote the Diagnostic Kit for DM Type 1 products”, mentioned Sugeng Raharso, the Director of Planning and Development of Bio Farma. In addition, Sugeng hoped that this product will be able to be launched immediately through good coordination between Bio Farma, Brawijaya University, and Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Tools in relation to diagnostic product registration to be used as medical tool. (Corcom/BF/edgar)