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link alternatif pakde togel - Bio Farma Builds the Tourism Puskesmas in Ujung Genteng

2024-10-08 22:49:52

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[caption id="attachment_16396" align="alignleft" width="300"] The inauguration was conducted by the Vice Governor of West Java, Deddy Mizwar; the regent of Sukabumi, Sukmawijaya; Wali Care Foundation and the President Director of Bio Farma, Iskandar.[/caption]

(Sukabumi-16/09) Monday, September 16th, 2013, Ujung Genteng beach, Sukabumi, the series of Bio Farma’s CSR event was conducted for the inauguration of the Puskesmas Wisata construction, Turtle Adoption, the introduction of Citeluh Geopark diversity as well as the free medication and vaccination grant. The inauguration was conducted by the Vice Governor of West Java, Deddy Mizwar; the regent of Sukabumi, Sukmawijaya; Wali Care Foundation and the President Director of Bio Farma, Iskandar. According to Iskandar, “The construction of this Tourism Puskesmas is one of the programs of Bio Farmas CSR through the health pillar. Pangumbahan Beach is increasingly visited by the tourists as well as the increasing number of the risk of accident while the most reachable Puskesmas is relatively far from Pangumbahan Beach, for about 20 km”. Iskandar added that Pangumbahan Village is the Developed Area of Bio Farma since 2011. The idea of Tourism Puskesmas construction is related to the access to medicine and healthcare in order to provide the optimized service for public and tourists including on the weekend or even holidays. Turtle Adoption On the same occasion, there was also the training of turtle conservation and health officer and also turtle adoption for 123 and 68 turtle nests. R. Herry, the Head of CSR Division of Bio Farma elaborated, “Turtle adoption was the conservational activity to preserve the existence of turtles that is currently endangered. One turtle nest contains around 100-150 turtle eggs that will be hatched in 55-57 days so that the baby turtles can quit from the nest on the evening and directly go to the high sea. Herry added that the egg nests should be maintained so the eggs would not be consumed by predators or taken by people to be sold. Therefore, Bio Farma, the Department of Marine, the local government and Sukabumi Turtle Conservation Group (KKPS) – a group of people developed by Bio Farma- initiated to conduct the turtle conservation. This program was started since July 2013 and had evaluated 123 turtle nests that were naturally raised that resulted more than 100 eggs and 98% eggs were hatched. While the moved hand method only resulted less than 70% eggs. On the following occasion, Bio Farma and Wali care Foudation urged SoE, private companies and public to actively join on the “Let’s Adopt Turtles” program. Those who are interested to preserve the natural ecosystem by maintaining the turtle nests are suggested to contact KKPS.